共為你找到:200筆fucker women all taiwan 相關企業資訊
Laksh International Company Co., Ltd was formerly a domestic factory that manufactured products for other skin product companies. Our main business is to offer OEM service, providing consistent operations of development of skin products, quality test, filling and packing. We have accumulated dozens of years of experience in product development and value quality advancement. In order to maintain high quality of our products, we execute strict quality control which means all filling must be done in the clean room. Furthermore, we always maintain constant communication with our customers in order to gain full understanding of the products and needs they really want. For the past years, we truly appreciate their consistent supports and relying upon us. Because of that, we are motivated to constantly upgrade our quality. In return, we earn their recognition of our stable quality and service. In order to supply overseas demands, Laksh International Co., Ltd was established in October of 2007. The newly - established brand Laksh represents nourishment, satisfaction and enrichment"nourish your skin ", "satisfy your needs" and"enrich your beauty". Our major markets are America, Europe, South American, Middle East and Asia, and the main business is to export Laksh products to these markets. However, we also provide OEM service if requested by foreign customers. We do believe"Laksh" is the ultimate products that satisfy the needs of modern women today. Laksh, making women all over the world look younger, prettier and more radiant !
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
Muovasi provide all kinds of bicycles, including mountain bike, road bike, TT bi
於1982年董事長呂明通先生在台灣成立三崧貿易有限公司(與上鮮農產有限公司為同體關係企業)網址:www.3shine.com.tw,開始以出口本產蔬果為主要業務,後來因為台灣工資昂貴、耕種土地取得不易,價格無法與國外出口商競爭,於是逐步轉型改為進口蔬果為主要業務,主要的進口以根、莖、花果菜為主,特別以西洋芹菜、結球萵苣、青花菜為大宗,目前我們公司的超人氣招牌商品-T&A羅美心,特別甜脆多汁,賣相極佳。 三崧公司能夠穩定成長,主要是我們對於品質嚴格把關、產品多樣化、穩定的供應市場,與國外的優質廠商長期配合,以品質優.鮮,供貨平價.穩定,深受消費大眾的信賴,消費者可以在好市多、頂好、松青、佳世客、Jasens等超市、及全省各地的傳統市場買到我們進口的新鮮蔬果。 有鑑於國人對健康、安心、無農藥、無化學殘留的新鮮蔬果需求日益增加。我們於2001年開始進口國際有機認證的新鮮有機蔬果,提供消費者豐富的多樣化的選擇。 We are an importers of all kinds fruits and vegetables here in Taiwan like Romaine Heart, Lettuce, Broccoli, Celery, Onions, Carrots, Paprika, Pumpkins, Citrus fruits, Potatoes, Radish, Yams, Cabbage and organic apples, organic potatoes, organic Citrus etc. from different countries all over the world, and our main focus is to give our customers high and premium quality for their satisfaction. * Three Shine started import and export business in 1982 * Retail Sales was established in 2001 * Three Shine Trading is working with reputable suppliers worldwide to source fresh produce with best quality and competitive prices. * All items imported by Three Shine passed strict inspection and with traceability capability that consumers can enjoy produce with no need for safety concern. 主要商品 / 服務項目: 我們進口世界各地優質的新鮮蔬果. 我們進口的蔬果品質新鮮、健康、安心. 我們進口的蔬果品項最多樣化. 我們的供應貨源最穩定. 我們的業務人員24小時接聽電話. 我們與顧客互動頻繁. 直接進口、包裝、配送提供最佳服務. 於1982年成立貿易部. 於2001年成立超市業務部. 於2003年成立餐飲業&超市包裝配送部
本公司為一牙科設備專業醫療廠商,主要代理銷售全球最具品質與信譽之相關牙科設備. 歡迎有自信、有決心、抗壓性強的優秀人才前來挑戰高薪!讓你百萬年薪不是夢~ 歡迎社會新鮮人、無工作經驗者前來挑戰,本公司擁有充足的資源及教育訓練,不計成本有意栽培人才,希望有決心、有毅力者來加入這個大家庭~ PS:本公司業務採低底薪+高獎金制度,固定每週三及週五會於5:30下班提供晚餐後,安排開會或員工在職教育訓練課程(約至晚上8點左右,沒安排事情也會不留)!能接受著再投履歷!無誠勿試! 網站位址:www.taiwan-ego.com
尚宏化工有限公司為專門環保塗料製造公司。本公司是專業從事環保水基塗料和各類塗料,各類木製家具和產品塗料。如:NC漆,聚氨酯塗料,丙烯酸塗料。我們成立於1972年,在台灣嘉義當地經營超過30年頭,並且擴展其業務觸角在中國,香港,越南,泰國和其他國家。我們擁有第二生產基地於中國,深圳廠與香港業務分公司。 現在,我們正在尋找新的市場和新的潛在客戶於台灣/美國/歐洲。如果你有興趣,請不要猶豫與我們聯繫!我們保證尚宏化工為您提供了最好的環保塗料。 San Hon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is an exclusively paint-manufacturing company. The company is professional in making water base environmental paint and various kinds of paint for all kind of wood furniture and products. like:NC lacquer, Polyurethane coatings, acrylic coating. We was established in 1972 and local in Chia-Yi, Taiwan over the last 30 years, San Hon Chemical has extended its business over China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand, and other countries. We also has an affiliate plant in Shen-Zhen, China, and one branch in Hong Kong . Now we are looking for new markets and new potential customer over the U.S. Europe and Taiwan. If you are interested join our company. please do not hesitate to contact with us! We guarantee that SAN HON gives you the best environment paint of the world.
Household Appliances - Made in Taiwan, SHING-PUN Enterprise Co., Ltd. is locate
新絲路留遊學 - iae Taiwan iae是全球留、遊學領域中規模最大、也是知名度最高的國際教育集團,目前在全球21個國家擁有超過100個服務據點,並且在澳洲、加拿大、紐西蘭、英國、韓國..等11個國家設有分公司。從iae成立迄今,全球已有超過30萬人透過iae綿密的全球服務網絡完成留、遊學的夢想。iae不但擁有最專業的人才,並一直為了實踐最好的顧客服務而持續不斷地努力與創新。 新絲路留遊學(又稱為iae Taiwan)是iae國際教育集團的一員,我們的職志在於為臺灣的青年學子提供最高品質的教育諮詢服務,並讓每一位在海外研習的新絲路學員能享受到最安心的後續照顧服務(After Care Service),因此,我們期許新絲路留遊學能成為大家心中「安心留遊學」的第一站。 新絲路的服務項目從兒童留學、語言進修、一直延伸到大學/研究所的留學申請。
Container with Faucet、plastic faucet、 faucet、Plastic tap、tap 、 Taiwan Plastic F
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